共為你找到:200筆flac convert to mp3 相關企業資訊
詮勝國際股份有限公司 成立於2001年6月1日,於業界累積至今已有20餘年之經歷,為知名鞄、袋、箱、配件品牌代理商,曾經代理的品牌皆為國內主流並具指標性的知名品牌。 現於新光三越SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI、誠品ESLITE、京華城CPCITY LIVING MALL等 ,國內知名百貨、購物中心設置品牌專櫃。並擁有200餘個經銷點,為台灣國內建構箱包行銷網絡之最。 2007年3月於台北車站商圈,成立全國第一家箱包連鎖通路BTU BAG TO YOU天成店,至今已有70家直營門市。
口渴時想喝飲料嗎?為了少花5元、10元購買便宜飲料而不在乎您的健康嗎? To Say心情輕飲採用不含防腐劑的透明珍珠 不含防腐劑的高級濃縮汁 精選台灣好茶 ,堅持茶葉不添加茶精及香料 選用新鮮水果,讓您品嚐新鮮水果果粒好滋味 我們使用~ 美國進口三花奶精 愛惠浦3道過濾逆滲透 林鳳營鮮奶 而且我們堅持 珍珠每3小時更換 茶品每4小時更換 這些都代表了品質與新鮮的保證 每喝一口都帶給您好心情!!!! 另外最推出六種調酒喔!!(18歲以上才能喝喔)
聯絡人:曾先生 聯絡手機:0938-108-847 電子郵件:[email protected] 大成網站:http://www.citiboss.uuu.to/ 大成網站:http://www.citiboss.url.tw/ 總公司:台南市安南區郡安路六段1號 電話:06-2581995 分公司:新北市三重區重陽路2段34巷22號 電話:02-89858380
以經營績效為目標,於客戶駐地現場輔導. As a team of business consultants, we help organisations navigate the process of change needed to identify and convert opportunities within their operations to actual business financial benefits and desired results We operate in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. In Australia and SEA sharing resources and knowledge with its alliance partners
GAIA was incorporated in April 2005 to help meet the growing demands caused by the rapid rise of the Internet and personal computing. Since incorporation, GAIA has achieved the highest standards in research and development, production, quality assurance, logistics, sales and after sales service. Especially more concentrate and focus on new 3 major products line in below. Home Media Solution - DVBS Card/Box, TV tuner card Portable Media Solution - MP3 player, MP4 player Communication Networking - Modem, ADSL Broadband Router, Switch HUB, Wi-Fi series GAIA has professional teams in both Taiwan China to offer qualified products with competitive prices, also do logistics and provide after service for all of our valued customers. From year of 2005, we devote ourselves into Media solution promotion, GAIA’s mission is " Guide Audience Into Amusement ". Media Center Kits MP3 player catch worldwide attention. With this success, we are getting confident in developing Home Media devices and Portable series.
公司都以電源類的產品為主軸 產品的技術與專利在世界市場中甚為先進 一是:各種多功能充電機,無線充電器,微發電機,太陽能Inverter 。 二是:UPS(不斷電系統) ..等創新產品。 企業藉由創新產品的發展,增加附加價值, 繼而使參與其中的每個成員找到自我價值,並惜緣惜福共創未來。 歡迎住深坑、木柵、新店等附近的優秀人才加入我們! Winstream power brand UPS are engineered and manufactured in our production offices in Taiwan, and supplied to OEM/ODM dealers worldwide, delivering superior quality, yet affordable uninterruptible power supplies with post sales support and marketing assistance designed specifically to each customers needs and requirements. We can even custom manufacture UPS according to your engineering specifications Our award winning range of online, standby, and line interactive UPS are ideally tailored to protect your computer workstations, LANs, hospital devices, telecommunication, traffic control and more. Our dedication to quality has been driven by our commitment We back what we sell. Our experienced service team is ready and available around the clock to offer complete technical support. ●公司產品與營業項目: 1 新型多功能充電機系列 2 微型發電機系列 3 MP3,PEN DRIVE 系列 4 無線充電系列 上班地點過信義快速線十份鐘到,交通非常方便。在木柵交流道旁假日飯店餘對面 歡迎個性積極負責人士加入行列!
.Welcome to Silicon Power! Silicon Power Computer & Communication Inc. (SP) was founded by a group of well-experienced marketing & technical specialists in flash data storage products, and is the worlds leading manufacturer of CompactFlash , SmartMedia, Secure Digital, MultiMediaCard , Memory Stick, USB FlashDrive, PC Card Adapter, and card readers. Basic Information Chairman: Mr. Michael Chen Capital: USD 7 Million Product Lines: CompactFlash , SmartMedia, Secure Digital, MultiMediaCard , Memory Stick, USB FlashDrive, PC Card Adapter, and card readers. Employee: 150 (within one year) 廣穎電通(Silicon Power Computer & Communications Inc.)成立於2003年2月,主要股東為兆豐金控交通銀行、矽創電子。經營管理團隊由記憶體產品行銷, 磁碟控制器、主機板研發等領域之資深專業經理人所組成。執行團隊則由專研數位儲存資訊科技的行銷業務與資深的產業技術專業人才所組成。 廣穎電通(SP)致力於全球市場銷售自有品牌商品,目前Silicon Power自有品牌商品已經成功銷售全球90多個國家,廣獲全球百萬顧客肯定。全球佈局設立分公司計劃,版圖包括荷蘭、德國、日本、美國、澳洲與大陸。公司商品項目包含產品線完整的各式記憶卡、隨身碟、讀卡機、MP3 Player以及DRAM模組。 高品質的產品、優良的客戶服務、用心負責的團隊、快速的出貨承諾是廣穎電通的成功準則。廣穎電通的核心價值:用心、效率、分享,是讓我們持續成長的動力和成功的關鍵。廣穎電通─從數位儲存業界裡崛起的一股新興勢力,正在發光發熱! 95年廣穎獲得經濟部頒發績優外銷企業小巨人獎;97年再獲得肯定榮獲國家磐石獎,表彰公司在整體經營管理的卓越表現。
意圖舞台多媒體 E-TO MULTIMEDIA 以平價、互惠、專業為服務宗旨,凡舉平面視覺設計、大型帆布輸出、舞台3D繪圖模擬、會場佈置、校園演唱會、舞台景片製作搭設,從製前設計到施工完成皆一貫作業,更能深入了解客戶需求及製作重點,進而達到活動品質的盡善盡美‧
Navotech established on Dec. of 2005 with USD 500 thousand capital. The First product line of Navotech is the MCP of Spansion. The business of MCP products had developed rapidly as Navotech became the VAR of Tos hiba and Samsung MCP products lines at the second quarter of 2006. Hence, the SH office was built up. Q4 of 2007, became the agent of Hynix dedicating in Nand flash selling for Memory card, UFD, MP3 and MP4 market, and then made USD 20 million revenue in this field within a year in 2008. Following the IPO burea setting up at the beginning of 2008, Navotech reached USD 45 million year revenue in 2008 besides the Nand Flash business  On Dec. 2008, Navotech established the sales/purchase department for the mobile phone, UMPC and MID products. It’s been estimated to reach sales of 1 million pcs.  By the end of 2008, Navotech’s sales territories have already covered the entire mainland China area as well as Taiwan with USD 65 Million in sales revenue.  In 2009, Navotech decided to be more focus on mobile phone market rather than Nand Flash and IPO business, so quitted from these two business line and then pulled in NMI product line. The Taipei mobile phone sales team was established since. . In the mean time, the LED business was kicking off .  In 2010, Navotech became the 2nd disti of PXI to help PXI develop the camera sensor business for mobile phone application in Great China. Navotech made USD 40M revenue in 2010.
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